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Site News & Annoucements

NZ Blues notices of website updates, features, services and outages
There are several tiers of access to be able to see or interact with various sections of content on this site. Unregistered - guest permission: You can see only publicly visible content. You cannot interact with or submit any content. A read-only mode. Member: As a website member you can see sections visible to the public. You can interact with and submit content in areas for website members but not sections for OSC members. OSC Member: Initially free, but from season 2024/25 this will be a paywalled section with content for registered and fully paid up OSC members only. OSC Branch Member: As OSC Member but will include a closed area specifically for your induvial branch. (Provisioned in case we get additional branches). Staff...
Welcome to the site that will is expected to be the home of New Zealand based Bluenoses - supporters of Birmingham City FC. This site has multiple levels of registration and membership, that makes it available to access by anyone and everyone, no matter your country of origin or residence. We just ask that you are a Blues Supporter. The New Zealand Official Supporters Club of Birmingham City is a separate entity that uses this site and has its own private section dedicated to its membership. Posts and comments outside of the forum category below are not representative of the club or the OSC https://www.nzblues.com/categories/new-zealand-blues-osc.1/
As per usual both Hotmail and Yahoo have aggressive anti spam that catches normal email in its process. Unfortunately, neither provider will tell you that they've deleted these emails (they do not appear in trach or spam) and as a result you may not be aware, unless you start missing emails. If you do, this is usually the reason why. With NZ accounts this also crosses over to xtra email and on previous forums these email addresses have been prevented from registering. However, doing this with accounts originally held from the UK may prove problematic. If you have yahoo, hotmail or xtra, and you can change you email, please do so as soon as possible.
As mentioned in the last online meeting, server upgrades are nearing completion. Overnight a new release of the events management system became available, and this was installed this morning, you can find it at https://www.nzblues.com/events/ along with automatically watched forums. All users will be set to default watch the following discussion forums for new topics (not new replies to topics). https://www.nzblues.com/forums/site-news-annoucements.12/ and https://www.nzblues.com/forums/nz-blues-osc-news.2/ Thanks You
I've added a new theme as part of the upgrade of software versions. This theme is either dark or light depending on your system settings. However, if you wish to default it to one or the other, you will find the style variation icon at the lower left of the page.
Watching a forum is a great way to get notifications when a new topic is posted. This feature is strongly encouraged for OSC members in the member only forums, however it’s a feature that’s useful for anyone. You will automatically be added to notifications of an individual topic when you take part by replying or creating the thread.

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